Sunday, March 16, 2008

Paris Trip Day 3 ~ Sunny and Beautiful

Sat 16th

The sun was up the first time in the two days that we were here – what a blessing - it was not as cold. We “visited” the Louvre which is the world's largest palace and museum, It is so big and yes, you will need “days” so that you can really see and enjoy all the art displayed and also the architecture of the museum. There are about a hundred photos from the Louvre but here are some of the nice ones.

Winged Victory of Samothrace

Mona Lisa

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We also visited the Rodin Museum, walked the neighborhood and got lunch.

Rodin ~ The Thinker

Rodin ~ The Kiss
This is called the Petit Palais, which it is anything but petit ~ The Grand Palais is across the street.

Petit Palais

The Grand Palais
After that we went to the Georges Pompidou center – walked around the neighborhood and got dinner at Aux Trois Maillets, a restaurant on Rue Rambuteau.

Fountain at Centre Georges Pompidou

Street Artist (actual person) at Centre Georges Pompidou

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