Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tourrettes sur Loup - Cite des Violettes

Tourrettes is a beautiful medieval village, about 20km Northeast of Grasse, perched on a narrow spur of land extending from very rocky hills, with the gorge of a small stream deep below one high wall of buildings. Tourrettes was a fortified village. We have driven past this so many times and one Sunday we decided to actually go visit.

This is also where violets are cultivated for perfumes and confectionery, there are about 5 families who grow violets. Flowers are harvested by hand between 1st-15th of March and sold to confectioneries where they are made into jams, jellies and syrup. Between May and July the leaves are harvested and delivered to perfumeries in Grasses the day they are cut. To celebrate this they have a Violet festival 1st week of March (we missed this one as we were out of town :(

Bridge before the village

Outer wall of village

Bed and Breakfast

Huge ceramic pot on a porch

Street in the village

Violet products - jams, jellies, perfumes

Plant art on wall

Village clock tower

Eglise St. Gregoire

Arch over a walkway

Sun dial on church wall

House tucked under a rock overhang

Violets growing in olive grove (most of the flowers already harvested)

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